Some benefits of spray-on cellulose include:
- 20% Greater Efficiency Over Standard Insulation
- 25% Reduction in Sound Transfer
- 50% Increase in Fire Resistance
- 100% Recycled Cellulose Product
- No Settling
- Pest Resistant
- Hypo-Allergenic

Quality Interior Kontracting Ltd. is the only business in Nelson offering spray-on cellulose insulation. Spray-on cellulose is an environmentally friendly insulation created from recovered or recycled newsprint and corrugated cardboard. It’s treated with a fire retardant solution before application in homes. Book an appointment for your free estimate and more information about how new insulation can improve your home.
What is the best way to start saving money? One answer is to learn how to save energy. There are many ways to get good results with energy conservation. Quality Interior Kontracting Ltd. provides the outlet of green insulation for thermal inspections.
Your heating and cooling system is one of the most heavily used home appliances. You may have bought the most efficient machine, but consider how it works together with your home. Our educated team has determined that a lot of energy used from your AC or heater is wasted because of inefficient home insulation. The cool air can escape through your doors and windows, forcing you to increase the energy levels to make your house cold.